Last updated on April 19th, 2024 at 12:09 am
Free 1922 Vintage Knitting Pattern: Indian Striped Wool Tuxedo

Excerpted from Corticelli Knitting and Crochet Book No. 18, 1922
The front of this beautiful Indian model is a plain Tuxedo. The design of the whole garment is so simple that any one can easily make it, yet the pleasing contrasts of the soft, warm Indian tones make this a model which is genuinely beautiful and captivating.
From the same book, you may want to see this charming knitted French Blouse pattern, also free on this site.
Indian Striped Wool Tuxedo
» 3 balls of Corticelli Flosola Navy Blue No.39½, 2 balls of Myrtle Green No.49, 1 ball of Mandarin No. 6½, 6 balls of Terra Cotta No. 56½.
» No. 5 Knitting Needles.
GAUGE – Our needles are gauged according to American gauge, which is not like the millimeter or foreign gauge.
In ordinary knitting on No. 5 needles with Flosola (or Shetland Floss) there are 5 stitches to the inch and five ribs to the inch.
If one wishes to use any of the other yarns they will have no trouble in making the garmet fit as desired if they will take the measurement of hips from hip bone to hip bone loosely, set up sufficient stitches for this, and then follow the directions.
INSTRUCTIONS – With the Terra Cotta No. 56½ with double thread cast on 95 sts, and knit 6 ribs with the double thread in Garter stitch. Break out one thread and work 12 ribs, then start stripes as follows: 1 rib of Navy Blue, 1 rib of Madarin, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin, 10 ribs of Navy Blue, 2 ribs of Terra Cotta, 2 ribs of Navy Blue, 2 ribs of Terra Cotta, 2 ribs of Green, 2 ribs of Mandarin, 20 ribs of Green, this being the center stripe. On the second rib of this Green knit 2 sts together in center of needle, thus narrowing 1 st; repeat this narrowing every other rib in this stripe on these 20 ribs of Green, making 10 narrowings and leaving 85 sts. on the needle; then reverse the colors, starting with the 2 ribs of Mandarin, 2 ribs of Green, and so forth, ending with the 1 rib of Navy. When this last rib of Navy is completed, work with the Terra Cotta, commencing sleeve on this row by casting on 40sts. at ending of needle each side (making 165 sts. on the needle). Work 29 ribs, then when working up from sleeve end on right side of work next row knit 74 sts., bind off 17 sts. for back of neck, and on the remaining 74 sts. work 2 ribs; when commencing next row at neck end widen 1 st. on second stitch, and continue widening 1 st. every other row at neck until there are 10sts. added (being 84 sts. on the needle). Continue working without increase until there are 15 ribs from neck end. On next row when commencing at neck end make 5 increasings on this row, 1 st. every sixth across row (making 89 sts.), then work without widening until there are 21 ribs from neck end. When commencing at neck end next row widen 1 st. every eighth stitch across row 5 times, making 94 sts. on the needle. Work without increase until there are 31 ribs from neck and on next row when commencing at sleeve end bind off 40 sts. for sleeve (leaving 54 sts. on the needle). On next row commence stripes for body same as on back (only do not widen or narrow in the center of Green stripe) until end of the last rib of the 10 rib Blue stripe, then widen 1 st. next to last stitch at under-arm, and continue widening 1 st. every 5th rib until there are four widenings; there will be 58 sts. on the needle. Work the last six ribs with the double thread of Terra Cotta same as back and bind off. The stripes are exactly the same as back.
COLLAR – Cast on 24 sts. in Green and knit 5 ribs in Garter stitch. Then work 1 rib of Mandarin, 3 ribs of Navy Blue, 1 rib of Terra Cotta, 3 ribs of Navy Blue, 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Green, 86 ribs of Terra Cotta, 1 rib of Navy Blue, 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Navy Blue, 2 ribs of Terra Cotta, 2 ribs of Green, 2 ribs of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Navy Blue, 2 ribs of Terra Cotta, 2 ribs of Green, 2 ribs of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Navy Blue, 2 ribs of Terra Cotta, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin. This is center of collar. Reverse the directions and make other half of collar. Sew collar on to coat up and down both fronts and around back of neck.
CUFFS – Pick up 60 sts. around bottom of sleeve and with the Terra Cotta knit 4 ribs in plain Garter stitch. Knit to within 1 st. of center of cuff on next row, widen 1 st., knit 1 st., widen 1 st. again, and knit to end of row plain. Continue this widening every third rib until there are 84 sts. on the needle, but when there are 14 ribs of the Terra Cotta, join the Navy Blue and knit 3 ribs of Navy, then knit 1 rib of Mandarin, 5 ribs of Green, 1 rib of Mandarin, 3 ribs of Navy Blue, 5 ribs of Terra Cotta, and bind off loosely.
Sew garment together.
Copyright Notes: Enhanced images and coded text on this page are Copyright © 2008-2024, however The Corticelli Knitting and Crochet Book No. 18 is available as a free PDF download, under Creative Commons License, from The Antique Pattern Library.
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