Last updated on February 4th, 2021 at 11:11 am

Vintage pattern from the 1938 Lux Knitting Book to make a golf vest in cable stitch.
This classic cable-stitch vest appeared in the 1938 issue of Lux Knitting Book, paired with this pattern for a set of Golf Club Covers.
Original Introduction:
A sleeveless pullover in the ever-popular cable-stitch…
Golfer or not, he’ll welcome this sweater, at once smart and practical. Perhaps you have thought cable-stitch difficult. But you’ll find these new, simplified directions very easy to follow. Try it, and let his appreciation be your reward!
Materials: 8 ozs. 4-ply fingering wool; 1 pr. No. 10 needles (English gauge); 1 pr. No. 9 needles (English gauge); 1 short needle, pointed at each end, 1 set of 4 No. 12 needles.
Measurements: Chest, 40 inches; side seam, 14 inches.
Tension: 12 sts (1 pattern) = 1½ inches; 9 rows = 1 inch after blocking.
Paul Fredrick Cotton Cable V-Neck Sweater Vest

Before beginning to work read “Knitting Tips” for yarn substitutions, abbreviations and other important pattern details.
Using No. 10 needles, cast on 134 sts. loosely. Work in rib of K. 1, P. 1 until band measures 3 inches. change to No. 9 needles.
To Start Pattern
This pattern requires a multiple of 12 stitches plus two. Eight rows completes the pattern.
1st row —K.3, *P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K.4. Repeat from * until 11 sts. remain. P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K.3.
2nd row —P. 3, * K.1, P.6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 11 sts. remain. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 3.
Repeat last 2 rows twice.
7th row —K.3, * P. 1, slip next 3 sts. on short needle, letting it fall to back of work. Knit next 3 sts., bring forward and knit the 3 sts. on short needle, P. 1, K.4. Repeat from * until 4 sts. remain. P. 1, K. 3. (The 6 cable-stitches will, in future, be referred to as cross-over.)
8th row —Same as 2nd row.
Repeat last 8 rows until work measures approximately 14 inches, ending with a completed pattern.
To Shape Armholes
1st row —Cast off 8 sts. K. 2, P. 1, K. 4, * P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 11 sts. remain. P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 3.
2nd row —Cast off 8 sts. P. 2, K. 1, P. 4. * K. 1, P. 6, K.1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 3 sts. remain. K. 1., P. 2.

3 rd row —K. 2 tog., P. 1, K. 4, *P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 3 sts. remain. P. 1. K. 2 tog.
4th row —P. 1, K. 1, P. 4, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 2 sts. remain. K. 1, P. 1.
5th row —K. 2 tog., K. 4, *P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 2 sts. remain. K. 2 tog.
6th row —K. 1, P. 4, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 1 st. remains. K. 1.
7th row —K. 2 tog., K. 3, *P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 13 sts. remain. P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, K. 3, K. 2 tog.
8th row —P. 4, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * to end of row.
9th row —K. 2 tog., K. 2, * P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 12 sts. remain, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 2, K. 2 tog.
10th row —P. 3, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repat from * until 11 sts. remain. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 3.
11th row:K. 2 tog., K. 1, * P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repat from * until 11 sts remain. P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 1, K. 2 tog.
12th row —P. 2, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repat from * until 10 sts. remain, K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 2.
13th row —K. 2 tog., * P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repat from * until 10 sts. remain, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 2 tog.
14th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 9 sts. remain, K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 1, (106sts. remaining).
15th row —K. 1, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 9 sts. remain. P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, K. 1.
16th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * until 9 sts. remain, K. 1, P. 6, K1, P. 1.
17th row —K. 1, * P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * until 9 sts. remain. P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, K. 1.
Repeat 16th and 17th rows twice.
Repeat last 8 rows (from 14th row) until work measures 21½ inches.
Repeat 16th row once.
To Shape and Cast Off Shoulders
1st row — Work 96 sts. in pattern. Turn.
2nd row —Work 86 sts. in pattern. Turn.
3rd row —Work 76 sts. in pattern. Turn.
4th row —Work 66 sts. in pattern. Turn.
5th row —Work 56 sts. in pattern. Turn.
6th row —Work 46 sts. in pattern. Turn.
7th row —Work to end of needle in pattern.
8th row —Cast off 30 sts. for shoulder. Cast off next 46 sts., knitting every 3rd and 4th sts. together in doing so. Cast off remaining 30 sts. for other shoulder.
Work front exactly as for back until after the 6th row of shaping armholes.
To Shape Armhole and Neck
Having completed the first 6 rows of armhole decreasing, begin now with the:
7th row —K. 2. tog., K. 3. * P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, K. 4. Repeat from * 3 times. P. 1. Cast off 6 sts. P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1. Repeat from * 3 times. K. 3, K. 2 tog. (Work on last 53 sts. only for right shoulder, slip remaining 53 sts. on to stitch holder).
8th row —P. 4. * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * 3 times. K. 1.
9th row —P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * 3 times, K. 2, K. 2 tog.
10th row —P. 3, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * 3 times, K. 1.
11th row —P. 1, * k. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * 3 times, K. 1, K. 2 tog.
12th row —P. 2, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * 3 times. K. 1.
13th row —K. 2. tog., K. 3, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice, K. 2 tog.
14th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * 3 times.
15th row —* K. 4, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, Repeat from * 3 times. K. 1.
16th row —P. 1, * K.1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * 3 times.
17th row —K. 2 tog., K. 2, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
18th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 3.
19th row —K. 3, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
20th row —Same as 18th row.
21st row —K. 2 tog., K. 1, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1.
22nd row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 2.
23rd row —K. 2, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
24th row —Same as 22nd row.
25th row —K. 2 tog., P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
26th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 1.
27th row —K. 1, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
28th row —Same as 26th row.
29th row —P. 2 tog., K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
30th row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice, K. 1, P. 6, K. 1.
31st row —P. 1, cross-over, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, cross-over, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
32nd row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice. K. 1, P. 6, K. 1.
33rd row — P. 1, K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
Repeat 32nd and 33rd rows twice.
Repeat 32nd row once.
Repeat 31sts and 32nd rows once.
41st row — K. 2 tog., K. 5, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
42nd row —P. 1, * K. 1, P. 6, K. 1, P. 4. Repeat from * twice. K. 1, P. 6.
43rd row —K. 6, P. 1, * K. 4, P. 1, K. 6, P. 1. Repeat from * twice. K. 1.
44th row —Same as 42nd row.
Continue to work in pattern, decreasing 1 st. every 4th row on neck edge and making only 3 cross-over in a row until there are 31 sts. left on needle.
Work even in pattern until work measures 22½ inches. Cast off. Place stitches from stitch holder on to a needle. Join wool at neck edge and make other shoulder to correspond.
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