Print our free bunny and banner pattern, then make an appealing Happy Easter sign with craft foam, cardboard or card stock. The bunny is colored on the edges with pencil crayons or markers then hung from its sign with spiralled pipe cleaners.

You Will Need:
- Printable Happy Easter Bunny Pattern
- White craft foam, cardboard or strong card stock
- 2 colored pipe cleaners for hangers
- Scrap ribbon piece for bow (if preferred, you could paint a bow instead)
- Pencil crayons (markers work too, but I like the pencils better)
- Permanent Marker or paint pen
- Tacky glue
Related Posts: Heart-Shaped Foam Bunny , Recycled CD Bunny, Paper Mache Bunny Boxes.

Project Instructions:
Print out the full-size bunny pattern and cut out the bunny and the sign shape.
Trace these two pieces onto a sheet of white craft foam and cut around outside lines. You can also use white cardboard or white card stock.
Using a coloured pencil, tilted to the side slightly, with the point of the pencil facing away from the foam piece, colour the perimeter of the pattern pieces.
Refer to the photos on this page to see the shading effect possible with coloured pencils. Markers, of course, will be more defined.
Following the lines on the pattern, shade the circles around the bunny’s feet, tummy and ears with the same colour as used on the perimeter of the bunny.
To paint the bunny’s face, use a black permanent marker and a red pencil to shade the rosy cheeks.
Using a green pencil draw feathery lines at the bottom of the bunny, representing a little grass.
Tie a bow with a scrap ribbon piece, or make a small dinner fork bow, and glue in place at the bunny’s neck.
Using a permanent marker write “Happy Easter” across the ribbon banner. Poke holes where indicated on the banner and on the bunny. I used a sharp toothpick for this. Chenille stems can poke the holes, but it is a little more difficult. You don’t need a large hole, just toothpick size.
Twist one pipe cleaner around a pencil to create a swirl and insert the ends into the top of the ribbon banner. Insert just enough to be able to twist the chenille stem up to secure in place (about 1/2 inch).
Cut a second pipe cleaner in thirds and wrap two pieces around a pencil to create a swirl. Insert one end of one piece of the twisted pipe cleaner into the ribbon banner and the other end into the bunny ear hole. Fold the stem up to secure. Repeat for second hanger on bunny ear.
Sign your name on the back with a pen or marker and hang up your bunny to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
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