How to make a no-sew sock witch using an old black sock partly filled with rice (or dried beans). The rice helps the witch to stand up straight as she cooks up some potions and sweeps the autumn leaves.
Supplies Needed To Make the Sock Witch:
- old black sock
- rice or dried beans
- small amount of fibrefill stuffing
- wooden or styrofoam ball – 1.5 to 2″
- flesh-colored paint and paint brush
- fake purple doll’s hair or purple yarn
- black felt
- tiny piece of purple ribbon or felt
- black rubber band or pony tail holder
- glue gun and glue sticks
- scissors
- black fine-tip permanent marker
- paper and printer (if using hat pattern)
- OPTIONAL: To make a similar display to the no-sew sock witch shown, you will need mini pumpkins, a few berries, fall leaves, black cauldron or pot and a tiny craft straw broom.
Sock Witch Assembly
Make the Witch Body
Grab a clean black sock and cut off about five and a half inches measuring from the toe. Insert this tube into a drinking glass or cup then fold the edges of the sock down over the glass. Fill the sock with about a cup of rice or dried beans then bring the edges back up, as shown here.

Remove the sock from the glass and cinch the middle together with a small rubber band or tiny ponytail holder.
Add polyfill stuffing to the top area then poke each end of a black chenille stem through the left and right sides of the sock, about 3/4 of an inch from the top, to form the witch’s arms.
Center the stem so that both arms are the same length and trim the length if needed.

Pinch together the top edges of the sock, as shown above, and secure with hot glue.
Add the Head and Attach Fake Hair
Next, paint a wooden or styrofoam ball with flesh-colored paint, using as many coats as you need to cover completely.
Add more hot glue to the top of the sock doll then push the flesh-colored ball firmly into the glue. At this point, your witch doll is starting to take shape!

and the addition of hair.
Use a fine-tip permanent marker to add two small dots for the witch’s eyes.
Above the eyes, add a strip of hot glue to attach lengths of purple doll hair across the top of the head, allowing the hair to lie loose along the sides of the head, across the shoulders, and down the back at the desired length.
I used strands of wavy purple hair cut from a fake Halloween hair extension from the dollar store.
Keep adding pieces of hair until the head is covered and the hair is as long and as thick as you want it to be.
Add Mitten Hands

Cut tiny mitten shapes from ribbon, or another fine, non-fraying fabric. First fold a small piece of ribbon then cut the mitten shape out from the fold line so you end up with two matching mitten shapes connected at the fold.
Snip a tiny hole in the center of the folded ribbon. This is where you will insert the end of the chenille stem. Add a small drop of hot glue to the end of the stem then press the two mitten shapes together over the glue to make a hand.
Repeat on the other side. See the photo, above, for reference. My tiny mitts look like miniature oven mittens cut from 1/2 inch mauve ribbon.
Make a Witch Hat
You can make a hat for your homemade sock witch from construction paper, soft or stiffened sheets of felt or black sheets of craft foam. Use our printable witch hat template or follow the instructions on the following YouTube tutorial for making a witch hat, adjusting the size to suit your sock witch.
Print out the witch hat template, cut the two pieces out, and pin the pattern to your choice of hat material. Cut out two round brims and one triangular peak.
Roll the hat peak into a pointed hat shape taking care to connect the tip without a visible gap. Use hot glue to fasten the overlapping edge in place. If necessary, trim the bottom edges in an even line.
Snip half inch tabs, about a half an inch apart, all along the lower edge of the brim. Slide one of the felt donut-shaped brims over the hat peak and glue the tabs onto the brim, as shown in the photo below.

Neatly finish off the hat by hot gluing the second brim over the first one, covering all the tabs.
Place the hat on top of the witch’s head and glue it in place.
Sock Witch Display
I was so pleased with the way my sock witch turned out. I hope you feel the same way too! Here’s two of my favourite photos featuring my busy little sock witch brewing potions on top of my hallway table.

All you need for a similar presentation is a couple of colorful fall leaves (real or fake), a tiny straw broom, two small pumpkins and a few fake berries or real dried rosehips.

I had a small scale “Witch’s brew” cauldron that I filled with wispy fibrefill to look like smoke. You could fill any small black container with fibrefill and just pull up some wispy strands to reproduce the same effect. Happy Halloween!
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